Finding the perfect gift for our busy mom friends can be a unique challenge.

Don’t worry, we are going to discuss a few ways you can ponder this to come up with something that will bless the friends in your life.
In my post “How to find a thoughtful gift for anyone” we talked about how to narrow down your search.

The first place to begin is deciding on the size of the gift.
It can be truly awkward to give someone a large gift and they didn’t have anything prepared for you.
Make sure you have agreed upon some type of gift, or keep it modest in case there is no reciprocation. (We should never expect a gift from anyone, of course. We just wouldn’t want to make a dear friend feel any added stress during the holiday season!)
This is supposed to be fun, right!?
It’s hard to find a thoughtful gift for someone you care about, without giving it some thought. (Seems obvious, but worth mentioning.)
Think about your dear close friend. What does she enjoy? What does she DESPISE? (That’s important to know!) What does she never seem to have enough of? (Privacy in the bathroom, perhaps?)
With those things in your mind, let’s move on to some gift ideas.
Coffee mugs

I’m a minimalist, and only own 4 coffee mugs. However, 3 of them have been gifted to me by friends. They always make the cut when I declutter.
Because they’re thoughtful, cute, and I use one everyday. When I pull out my mug in the morning, I can think of my sweet friend. Hi Savannah!
A coffee mug is a great gift idea (as long as she likes coffee, that is!). You could make a “cake in a mug” jar for her to go along with her mug, or a little peppermint mocha powder with a decorative spoon to finish off the coffee mug gift.
If she is more of a tea person, then a cute tea cup would be super cute gift. You could complete the gift set with a few tea bags and a cinnamon stick. How cute would that be!
A tote bag
A personalized tote bag would be such a *useful* and thoughtful gift.
You know her super well so think about how often she leaves the house, and where she goes.
If she frequently takes the kids on nature hikes and outdoor adventures, you could do an “outdoorsy” themed tote bag complete with a few adventuring tools. (Jackknife, bug spray, picnic blanket, local bird booklet.)

If she is more of a sports mom, you could do a cute tote bag with a few “mom survival” items inside. Snacks, devotional, and gas card would be useful, for sure!
A tote bag to be used for the grocery store would be really sweet. All busy moms have to buy groceries at some point. You could make it a truly unique gift by customizing a funny saying on it!
A tote bag can also be special for an “in-home” tote bag for her special quiet time. You could fill it with things for her to enjoy in the quiet moments of her day. A good book, a fancy pen, a prayer journal are some small items that would surely make her smile.
*Know your gift recipient! If she hates reading, then a good book wouldn’t go over well. If she doesn’t like baking, then she probably wouldn’t use a kitchen gadget. If she doesn’t have a green thumb and accidentally kills all her house plants, then maybe a fake plant would be a better fit.
It’s important to think about what would be a blessing to our sweet friends in this season of their lives.
What type of mom is she?
If she’s a crunchy mom, then maybe you could find her some good essential oils for her collection.
If she’s a “free-range” mother of feral children, then perhaps a nice new water bottle for her outdoor adventures would be super fun.
For any new moms in your life, you could lean into something super encouraging (the new mom stage can be really hard and it’s important to know that life will eventually feel normal again.)
related: Postpartum essentials
New moms always appreciate food. When in doubt, feed her! A snacking gift basket, hot meal, or even a restaurant gift card would be wonderful. If she enjoys a glass of wine once in a while, then including a bottle of wine could be a great idea.

Is she a special-needs parent? Maybe she would really like a foot massager or bath bombs so she can relax a little bit after pouring herself out all day.
related: Self-care for homemakers
Let’s talk about gift cards.
I have a newfound appreciation for gift cards. The possibilities are truly endless! This goes way beyond a gift card to hobby lobby (although that would be awesome!).
A gift card could be the perfect present. You could get a gift card for a restaurant and it could be used for a special occasion. If you offer to babysit, it could be their date night!
Should married people go on dates?
Gift cards can be purchased for services that she wouldn’t typically buy herself, also.
A gift card to a salon would be a good reason for her to freshen up her hairdo. Gift cards can be purchased for pedicures, facials, and even massages!

It just might be a great option for you to consider. If you have a mommy friend who is always putting her needs last, then maybe a “self-care” gift card would be exactly what she needs.
One idea I’m particularly fond of, a gift card for a coffee shop… to be used TOGETHER!
How fun!
A conversation without a million interruptions. What would that be like? You could both get a hot cup of coffee and sit down and visit. It would be such a fun way to connect. (If you’re both drowning in busy holiday obligations, this probably won’t be easy to squeeze in, but it’s something to consider.)
*How to save your sanity this holiday season

Also, gift cards are a great way to stay exactly on your budget! You set the amount, and no more worrying about chasing down a good deal!
Gift cards are also perfect for any last-minute gift you may have forgotten about. I told you I have a big appreciation for gift cards!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
This is going to be the best Christmas season ever!
I hope this gift guide has given you plenty of fodder for thinking up good gift ideas for the best friends in your life.
Does the perfect Christmas gift exist? Maybe not. But the best Christmas gifts come straight from the heart.
If you’re thinking about your friend and prayerfully trying to find little things that will bless her, then really… you can’t go wrong.
Don’t forget about the best part of Christmas! Let us revel in the joy of what Jesus has done for us this holiday season. God bless you and your family.

Hi, I’m Stephanie! I’m a Christian wife, mom of 4, homeschooler, and a technically trained chef. I love creating a simple, beautiful life with our sweet family.
I’m so glad you’re here!
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