Art in our homeschool has always been a struggle for me. I KNOW it’s important and educational, but somehow I always find myself thinking we don’t have the time for it.
On a day when I would suddenly be inspired to do some art with the kids, I would find I was missing some supplies. Trying to load the kids up to quickly run to the store would take no less than an hour (during school hours), and I didn’t want to do that.
I struggled to have everything prepared ahead of time so we were ready to do our project when the school morning began. Also, I was choosing projects that didn’t interest the kids, and we would destroy the school area for 16 minutes of painting before they would be done with it.
Then I’d spend an hour cleaning up our mess.
It wasn’t working!
That’s when I learned about “Outside The Box Creation” and it changed everything.
We decided to purchase a few months subscription for the kids Christmas Gifts (the gift that keeps on giving!), and it’s been a huge blessing for everyone.
Not only has it been wonderful to all learn so much about art that we didn’t know, but now I see my kids enjoying art outside of school hours. It’s been wonderful to see them truly learning skills they will continue to enjoy forever.
We have been using “Outside The Box Creation” for quite some time now, and I wanted to expand on what we like about it.

What is “Outside The Box Creation”?
It is a subscription art box that is delivered to you monthly. Each box has an educational theme and includes art lessons, video tutorials, books, materials, and much more.
Why I chose to try “Outside The Box Creation”
I’m not very “artsy” nor are my kids. I don’t naturally know how to work “art” lessons into our homeschool, though I’ve tried.
I’ve seen other subscription boxes for kids with similar promises. Educational, creative, fun, etc. But due to my minimalistic nature, and lack of storage in our home, I did not want something that would create a ton of clutter.
Some craft boxes will give your child step-by-step instructions for building a small robot, or a candy dispenser. As fun as this may be for the time it takes to assemble said project… THEN WHAT do you do with it?
Set it on the already cluttered countertop to adore for a specific amount of time, then feel guilty for throwing it out? Rent a storage unit to house all the contraptions that you’ve created?
No, we needed something that was truly clutter-free. “Outside The Box Creation” does include art materials, but it has never been a clutter issue, because everything eventually gets used up.
Educational lessons!

This is a fabulous addition to homeschool. But even if you don’t homeschool, this would still be a super fun gift for your kids.
When our box arrives, the kids (and I) do a happy dance because we KNOW we are about to have a really fun school day. We always do our art boxes the very next day we get the chance.
Since each box comes with everything you need, you really can open it up and do it immediately. There is absolutely no prep needed on your part. This was one of the biggest draws for me. We live in a small town and I can’t just run to the store for cottonballs or pipe cleaners. We have to work with what we have.
Each box has a theme. These are educational art lessons on cartooning, pop art, paper sculptures, and more. These lessons have spurred on wonderful discussions on history, art, and social studies in our homeschool. We’ve all learned so much!

The art lessons can be easily found when you sign in on their website. There is also a QR code in each box that is in the pamphlet describing each month’s theme. The videos are in-depth enough to thoroughly explain the lesson to the kids.
How long does it take to do an art box?
From when we start the videos, to when we finish cleaning up our mess, an art box may take anywhere from 2-4 hours. This is a full art day! The lessons can be slowed down so you can really enjoy the creative process (which is our favorite way) or you can skip through it a little faster.

We like to take our time and wait for everyone to catch up before we move on to the next lessons. Each box is broken into multiple lessons that build on each other as you work through the day.
What ages is “Outside The Box Creation” good for?
We had a child turn four right before we began getting our art boxes, and she has always loved joining in! She has been able to grasp concepts better than I would have anticipated, and she is always so proud of her creations.

Our 7 year old, and 10 year old also love doing these boxes. As I mentioned before, our kids are not naturally very artistically inclined, but they’ve learned so much from doing these.
Our children are absolutely brilliant, but they didn’t naturally want to sit down and do art if they were bored. There’s about a hundred other things they would have rather done.

It’s been absolutely wonderful to see the kids growing in their confidence with art, and reaching for it when they just want something fun to do.
For that I am so very thankful!
Is “Outside The Box Creation” affordable?
Every family has a different budget, so this will be a different answer for everyone.
For us, this is a price we are willing to pay. (A very reasonable price I may add.)

Truthfully, we were only going to subscribe to these boxes for a few months and then cancel once we had a little stash of supplies and know-how.
Because each box is so unique and fun, we have chosen to continue using them.
Also, the sheer excitement that comes from each box’s arrival is just too good to cancel.
If I were to count up the cost of each supply and the amount of time it would take for me to assemble this robust of an art lesson, it would cost about the same. But my time wouldn’t be well-spent.
Having these boxes come directly to our home, with zero time investment from me has been the biggest blessing.
If this sounds like something you’d like to check out, please use my link for $20 off your first box. LINK HERE.
We genuinely enjoy using “Outside The Box Creation” for our homeschool. They started out as a Christmas gift for the kids, but have continued blessing our family.

Hi, I’m Stephanie! I’m a Christian wife, mom of 4, homeschooler, and a technically trained chef. I love creating a simple, beautiful life with our sweet family.
I’m so glad you’re here!
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