What should a homemaker wear?
Should we even bother to get dressed for the day? If we stayed in our pajamas all day, we would have less laundry to do!
I’m joking, of course. But if we’re not careful we can fall into the trap of just being “comfy” yet looking a little like a walking dead version of ourselves.
When we made the decision that I would stay home full-time and take care of the kids and home, I have to admit I was a little lost at first.
It’s essentially like being self-employed. You are your own boss, and only you know if you meet all your goals and expectations.
Perhaps, for those of us who have indulged in wearing the sweatpants and ratty shirts for days on end can say, with certainty, that our productivity definitely suffers.
Being a homemaker (and stay-at-home-mom) has taught me more self-discipline than I could have ever learned any other way.
When it finally occurred to me, I have a choice here. Either I can take my new job (Yes, caring for my family and home is a FULL time job) seriously, or I can continue to mope around and never feel accomplished.
With nothing to lose, I went for it.
Getting dressed each day.
It sounds so simple! So, why is it such a struggle at times?
If this is something you want to work on, then I would highly recommend laying out your clothes the night before.
Setting out your clothes the night before
Picking out your clothes the night before will usually give you a more polished outfit than what you might choose in the dark morning hours.
After you put on your (already chosen) outfit, you are dressed for the day! That’s it! You don’t have to work on it anymore until tomorrow.
As long as you make that one choice before bed to set out your clothes for the day, all you have to do is follow through. We can do it!
Don’t worry, I still have plenty to say on the topic.
Cleanliness matters
In my previous post on “How can Christian Women Feel Sexy?” we discussed, at length, how being clean affects our mood.
This is the most important place to start. You deserve to feel fresh and clean on a daily basis. Please do this for yourself, however this looks.
I, personally, choose to shower before bed every night. It’s a time that I won’t get interrupted and I know I can count on it.
I also have a husband who is willing to help me have this time. If you’re having difficulty regularly getting a shower, talk to your husband about how he can help you.
Plus, I like waking up feeling like I’ve already accomplished something for the next day.
Everyone has different preferences for personal hygiene. Just please take care of yourself.
What to wear?
What we wear at home is going to look different than what we wore in the workplace (probably).
When I was a restaurant server, we weren’t allowed to wear jeans. When I was a chef I wore a chef coat.
So, finding your own “Homemaker Uniform” is going to be your own adventure!
Many women enjoy wearing house dresses.
I love that notion, and I have tried, but it can be hard with the nature of playing on the floor with littles, to standing up, to needing to RUN to stop the baby from playing in the toilet. (whew!)
Sometimes we are more comfortable in something between pajamas and day dresses.
Most homemakers I know in real life wear comfortable pants and and a pretty shirt. Leggings with a tunic, jumpsuits, and jeans and t-shirts are all the norm.
If you want to make day dresses a part of your everyday wardrobe, then I wholeheartedly commend you!
Dresses are really the epitome of feminine adornment and should be embraced as much as possible.
We Mustn’t Forget the Lava Shoes!
The single most important item of my “Homemaker Wardrobe” is my house shoes.
It wasn’t until I was having back problems that it finally dawned on me that I don’t actually sit down much during the day.
If I was in a separate work environment, I would have comfortable shoes for being on my feet all day. Why would this be any different?
We went to the shoe store and I found a lovely pair of slip on shoes that offer great support.
I first tried wearing lace-up walking shoes (great support!) but I wanted these shoes to stay clean and be my “indoor” shoes. If I needed to quickly run outside (kids often have emergencies) I wouldn’t have time to remove my shoes.
After finding a nice supportive pair of slip-on shoes for the home, my back aches are long gone!
Why would I call them lava shoes? I’m so glad you asked!
When the floor suddenly becomes lava (a regular occurrence around here) I can claim to be wearing lava shoes! They work great.
On a more serious note, when there’s a glass that gets broken I can quickly swoop in and scoop up children and get them to a safe surface without injuring myself or the kids.
This doesn’t happen very often, but it HAS happened and I’ve always been glad of my shoes in those moments.
As an added bonus… wearing shoes in the home has saved my feet from countless LEGO attacks. And for that I’ll always be grateful.
There’s something about slipping on my house shoes that signals to everyone that I mean business. The day has officially begun.
Why does this even matter?
I love the quote that says
“We often say how this is our children’s only childhood, but don’t forget it’s also your only motherhood.”
If that doesn’t tug on the heartstrings I don’t know what will.
We don’t want to miss an entire season of our lives while waiting for “real life” to arrive. No, this is it!
These are the days.
When we look back, we will be able to remember ourselves as disciplined, and put together. We took our jobs seriously! We showed up.
Also, we should mention, our children’s childhoods. These are the memories they will have.
When I sit down to a new school day, do I want them to see the bags under my eyes and frumpy pajamas?
Or do I want them to notice my smile, clean clothes, and lava shoes?
Each of those is setting us up for very different days. And remember, these are the days.
Who are we trying to impress?
When I finally followed the logic on this one, I actually had to giggle.
I love my husband and children so very much. They are who I want to show up for.
So, why then did I believe I didn’t need to dress nicely unless I was going to see strangers?
It’s a funny thought! No, I want my beloved family to think of me as someone who dresses each day and takes care of herself.
Perfection VS Prudence
Please don’t hear me say we need to buy fancy expensive clothes. Not at all.
Some of my favorite pieces have come from thrift stores and rummage sales.
This should be an ongoing discussion with your husband to stay within a reasonable budget (Also, don’t forget to ask what he likes to see you wearing! You might be surprised.)
Ladies, you are beautiful! Embrace your femininity today and enjoy dressing for your role as a homemaker. God bless you.
Hi, I’m Stephanie! I’m a Christian wife, mom of 4, homeschooler, and a technically trained chef. I love creating a simple, beautiful life with our sweet family.
I’m so glad you’re here!
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